Thursday, June 30, 2016


Upon first meeting one another there is an instant connection and immediate bond. The feeling is as if you have known each other before and there is a feeling of familiarity. Whether you have both met in physical person or not, there is usually a peculiar sensation--an intuitive knowing--that you will play an important role in each other's life.

Telepathy is more common and even natural within twin soul connections. Telepathic communication occurs frequently as each twin can sometimes pick up on the other's thoughts or feelings. Twin flames often reflect each other's moods and can feel each other at a distance. Whatever is effecting one twin, whether mental, physical, emotional or spiritual, often effects the other.

The eyes are the windows to the soul. When twin flames gaze into one another's eyes there is a profound intensity. Making eye contact with your twin flame can feel unusual at times because it is as if you are staring into your own soul; what you feel often depends on what aspect of your own soul your own soul you are seeing--anything that is being repressed or that needs to be healed will also be felt and reflected through the eyes.

Moments when there is a overwhelming feeling of unconditional love. The feeling can be felt very intensely in one or more of the chakra centers, especially the heart chakra. The love can be absolutely explosive and expands one into a feeling of oneness with their twin, and this feeling is often expanded to encompass a feeling of spiritual oneness with all things. The chemistry between the twins can be extremely powerful. There are moments of complete certainty that they are meant to be in each others lives for a reason, no matter what, and that there is a higher purpose for their union with one another.

All emotions, whether negative or positive, is amplified between twin flames. Feelings are often exaggerated compared to other relationships. When things are good it feels incredibly good! But when things are not going so well, the feelings can be incredibly painful. There is more emotional and energetic intensity between twin flames because things are felt on a soul level. Since twin flames are often empathic with one another, it can become an overwhelming emotional roller coaster at times when they are absorbing each others emotions alongside feeling the intensity of their own.

Reoccurring numbers or repeated number sequences are are common occurrence within twin flame connections. The 11:11 and other number synchronicities are also a common feature. There may be similarities and synchronistic patterns found within each of the twin flames birthdates, anniversaries, addresses, phone numbers, anniversaries and major life events.

Both twin flames may have unusual dreams involving the other and telepathy often occurs between twins in the dream state. Many twin flames have shared or reoccurring dreams of one another, often prior to actually meeting their twin. Major themes in the twin-flame relationship or issues that must be worked on together or in the individual life of one of the twins is often featured in dreams, and even in day dreams or visions.

Separation is a common theme in the twin flame relationship. There is usually a swinging back and forth from reunion to separation. The separation either occurs because of distance or an inability to be together in the physical for one or more reasons. Often the separations can occur if their is turbulence within the relationship due to unresolved emotional baggage that one or both of the twins is carrying. The reunion takes place again when healing is ready to occur. There is an intense repelling and magnetic attraction that takes place between twins; a pushing and pulling which indicates that much healing work still needs to be done before a permanent reunion can occur.

The twin flame relationship changes your life. Each twin is transformed in many ways throughout the connection. The twin flame relationship challenges each soul to grow and expand into their highest potential to fulfill their mission and purpose on the planet and in each others lives. This constant changing and expansion can occur quote frequently and rapidly within the twin flame relationship. Often it is so intense that one of the twins may run from the relationship, or there may be difficulty in being together for long periods of time.

Twin flames are connected even at a distance. Telepathy and empathy are common between the twin flames. Each twin may pick up on the others thoughts they may find themselves often calling, texting, or emailing around the same time, and also finishing each others sentences. Synchronicities and unusual parallels often occur within the lives and daily events of each of the twin flames.

There may be some unusual circumstances and powerful events that occur around the time when twin flames meet. Many twin souls may have even crossed paths at one time or another in the past, without even realizing it.

One or both of the twin souls may have had dreams or visions of the other shortly before meeting, or even years prior to meeting. Some may envision a special person throughout their life that they feel destined to meet one day. The energetic feeling and imagery of this 'mysterious person" can be accompanied by a feeling of familiarity, comfort, excitement or longing.

After meeting the twin soul in physical person, these dreams or visions about them that occurred prior to the meeting may suddenly seem to diminish or disappear. This can be a strong indication that the individual is indeed the twin soul. It's as if the non-physical/energetic idea of the twin flame has suddenly been made manifest in on a physical level.

When twin flames come together there may be a sense of familiarity between them. They can feel as if they have met one another before, or like they are 'continuing' where they left off in the past. Since twin flames are always spirtually connected, the feeling of having known each other all their lives can be strong. The connection between twin souls is often instantaneous and a deep friendship bond or a relationship can develop quicky between them.

There will usually be several signs, synchronicities, or 'meaningful symbolic coincidences' that lead up to the meeting of the twin flame, often guiding them both to one another initially and onward in the relationship. Synchronicities will occur throughout the twin flame connection, becoming more frequent during periods of heightened spiritual growth or when energetic shifts occur within the union.

A common sign of a twin flame soul connection involves the numbers 11 and 33 and other dual and triple synchronicities popping up repeatedly. Seeing 11:11 or 3:33 appearing on clocks at 'just the right time' (or when thinking about the twin) happens frequently around the initial reunion and during key moments throughout the relationship.

There is often a peculiar synchronicity involving the birthdate of one or both twins, such as the birthday of one twin being the same or very close to the birth date of a family member, or even a previous soulmate. There can be many other interesting synchronistic connections between other important personal dates or numbers within each twins life.

There are often cosmic and astrological events that occur around the time of the twin flame reunion and at major points during the connection. When comparing the birth/natal charts of the twin souls some interesting correspondences and powerful aspects can usually be found. This union is truly 'written in the stars'.

Once twinflames have met or are connected in this life, there is often physical distance between them, or long periods of physical separation that occur. Twin souls may live far apart, or even reside in different continents of the world. Unique conditions can often prevent the twinflames from being together in physical person; oftentimes. 

Twin flame souls will feel a very strong and deep connection to one another early on. The bond is often instantaneous, although sometimes it can occur gradually over time. Either way, there is no doubt that there is a powerful and unique energetic connection between them that sometimes can't be explained in words.

When twin flames finally unite with one another, both of them will experience an acceleration of their spiritual growth and personal awakening.

The intense energy of one's twin flame can feel magnetic, exciting and comforting. Home is where the heart is, and hugging one's twin soul can feel like a homecoming. The voice or laughter of one's twin flame can trigger a familiar feeling of remembrance. And since eyes are the windows to the soul, gazing into the eyes of one's twin can trigger a powerful feeling of soul recognition.

Twin flames tend to have unusual common interests or might even share a mutual habit, quirk, or unusual hobby together. They often share an interest in spiritual and metaphysical subjects to some degree. Twin flames often share the same personal vision for the future, and may have a strong interest in personal and/or spiritual development.

Twin flames can often relate to having experienced similar life events around the same time in their individual pasts, regardless of their personal backgrounds. Sometimes each twin soul may have the same emotional issues or karmic energies that need to be healed together, balanced within their own lives, or resolved with people close to them. The twin flames will often experience life tests and trials at similar times before and after meeting as their souls reflect each other's lessons.

When twin flames are apart they often find themselves text messaging or calling each other around the same time. There may be other uncanny similarities in each twins day, such as discovering that they have had the same type of meal on the same day, or even the same dreams on the same nights.

Twin souls can often have the most deeply profound and heartfelt conversations that can even last for hours at a time. The heightened energy between twin flames can spark the most creative and imaginative ideas between them and can be just as intense if there is any arguing or disagreement about anything.

Telepathy and psychic empathy can occur between twin flames. A twin soul can sometimes sense what the other is feeling, thinking, or doing. The longer twin flames are connected and the deeper the bond, the more in-tune they will be to one another.

Twin flames may experience the physical and intimate aspect of the connection in a very powerful and dynamic way. Even if twin flames are separated by distance, they can experience each other on an energetic or etheric level. 

Sometimes one or both twins will experience the 'dark night of the soul' either prior to meeting, during their connection, or immediately following. The dark night of the soul is a profound period of deep inner spiritual growth and soul reflection that can be accompanied by emotional pain, mental confusion and even physical loneliness. The dark night of the soul acts as a type of spiritual initiation, or re-birth' and can usually bring about a profound shift in consciousness, soul growth and transformation.

One's life is usually changed in a profound way after meeting the twin flame. One is never quite the same after meeting their twin soul because it may be unlike any other connection they've had prior in their lifetime. A twin flame connection can transform one from the inside out..

Often one or both twin souls can be natural empaths and are sensitive to spiritual energy. One's psychic abilities often manifest for the first time or become more enhanced after meeting the twin soul. Twin flames can also develop the ability to heal each other on an energetic level.

Twin flames can each bring out the light and dark within each other. They can bring out old unresolved issues or unhealed wounds out from within each other, as well as push each other's emotional buttons like no other can. Being aware of this twin flame dynamic can feel like one is coming face to face with one's self, for better or for worse.

One is usually able to completely be themselves when they are connected to their twin. Trust, acceptance and forgiveness are also qualities that come easily in a twin flame union (especially as they evolve spiritually and connect on deeper levels). There can be problems in these areas in a twin flame relationship if there are any negative issues that need to be balanced in the union or healed within the self.

When there is harmony between the twin flame souls, it can feel wonderful. When there is unconditional love and any momentum of positive energy between twin souls, it can feel like Heaven on Earth. 

Even at a distance, twin souls are often able to sense one another vibrationally. They can pick up on the emotional mood of the other and often know what state of mind their twin is in at certain times. Twin souls can sometimes sense when the other is ill or injured, sometimes even physically feeling the same symptoms in their own body.

Twin flame souls can bring out the very best and the very worst in one another. When the twin souls are getting along in harmony, it can accelerate positive energy and growth. Twin flame souls can act as energetic mirrors to one another.

In twin flame relationships that are in the process of healing and balancing, it can seem like an energetic dance between them as they move back and forth away and towards each other time and time again.

Twin flames are always connected with one another energetically/vibrationally in the heart and on a soul level; this is true even if they are physically separated, or have not yet met one another in person in this life. The union/re-union of the twin flames will take place in Divine Timing when the soul is ready for the experience.

Twin flame soulmates will often share similar important beliefs and positive morals and values deep down, even if not apparent on the surface of the personality (sometimes due to issues with ego). There is an energetic polarization between twin flame souls that can be opposite, yet complimentary as a whole. Balance is often a recurring lesson and theme for the twin flame souls.

A common indication of a twin flame connection is that both souls may have a strong interest in helping others or serving humanity in some profound way. It's very common for them to resonate with similar or identical social causes and humanitarian issues the world. Twin flames may also experience memories of past lives together or have visions of their mission together on the planet.

Twin flame souls will each embody their own unique traits, interests, passions and talents that will help them to fulfill their soul mission on earth, either apart or a shared purpose they may have together as a couple. Twin flames may each have characteristics and aspects of their personality (as well as interests and talents) that can be opposite yet complementary to one another.

The twin flame dynamic (especially if it is a romantic relationship) can be overwhelming and confusing at times. The intense highs and lows that can accompany twin flame connections can often make one feel as if they are going crazy. The relationship sometimes doesn't make sense to other people, and even to the twin souls themselves.

The dynamic energy of the twin flame is very unique to each and everyone who experiences it. Each twin soul experiences the union in their own personal and special way. At times, aspects of the twin flame experience can seem so unusual that it defies words or logic.

Often a sure sign of the reunion is that one will just know deep down inside that this is the twin flame. Trusting one's own intuition and inner guidance is essential during any soul connection. The twin flame connection may not make complete sense on a mental level, but can be 'sensed' through the awareness of the heart. 


  1. This is a testimony that I will tell everyone in the world. i have been married for 4 years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2 years until i meant a post where this man Zuma Zuk have helped someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my love Husband home and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48 hours as he have told me after doing everything he asked me to do, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why i am happy to make everyone of you in similar case to meet with this man and have your marriage fixed His email: whatsapp him on this +15068001647..... thank so much Zuma Zuk.

  2. Hello friends,I am ALISHA ROSS, This is my testimony on how my ex lover come back to me..i want to say a very big thanks and appreciation to ZUMA ZUK solution home for bringing back my lover who left me for almost 2 year,i feel like my life is completely over, so one day as i was searching on the internet for recommend spell caster who will help me to bring my lover back, Finally i met a writing how so many testimony talking about how ZUMA ZUK help to restore relationship back,so i decided to give it a try so i contacted the spell caster called ZUMA ZUK and explain my problems to him,and he cast spell love spell luckily within 24 hours my lover really called me and started apologizing for all he had caused me.and be begging me to accept him back and will are living together and happily married, I am the happiest woman on earth today because ZUMA ZUK has done a wonderful deeds in my life and i will continue to share this testimony, i pray God almighty give you the strength and wisdom to help more people having similar problem like mine, contact him. Email Call or Whats App +15068001647

  3. I never use to believe in spell casting until i met Lord Zuma a powerful spell caster who helped me to be a happy person again. My name is Rose Marco and i reside in USA. After 4 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids. I felt like my life was about to end and i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a Great spell caster called Lord Zuma which i met online on one faithful day when I was browsing through the internet, i came across a lot of testimonies about this particular Great spell caster how he has helped so many people. he has helped people to bring back their Ex lover, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer and other sickness, and so on. I also came across a testimony, it was about a woman called Sandra, she testified about how his spell made her to be pregnant after so many years of bareness and at the end of her testimony she dropped Lord Zuma's email address. After reading all these, i decided to give it a try and i contacted him and explained my problem to him and he assured me that in less than 48 hours, my husband will call me and beg for forgiveness but i thought it will not work. When he had finished casting the spell, the next day my husband called me and he was begging for forgiveness just as Lord Zuma said. This is not brain washing and after the spell has been cast, i realized that my husband love me like never before and the spell caster opened him up to know how much i love him and how much love we need to share. We are even happier now than before. Lord Zuma is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and a genuine spell caster to solve all your problems contact Lord Zuma now on or just visit and see so many he has helped that are testifying about his good work. He will help you solve all your problems. Once again thank you Lord Zuma for your good deeds. His whatsapp number +1 506 800 1647
