Tuesday, July 5, 2016

My Experiences with Astral Projection and Alternate Realities Part 2

My Experiences with Astral Projection and Alternate Realities Part 2

Astral projection (Soul Travel): an interpretation of an out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of an "astral body" separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it. Astral projection or travel denotes the astral body leaving the physical body to travel in an astral plane.

Parallel Universe (Alternate Reality):  A universe, especially one of an infinite set of identical universes, believed to exist along with our own universe, possibly obeying different physical laws and having the potential for the transfer of information between universes.

Walking Between Worlds

Imagine for a moment that you can go to sleep in one reality and wake up in another.  What would you see?  What might be different?

Imagine if you will that your best friend in one world is your spouse in another.  Can you see it in your mind?  Can you imagine the infinite possibilities of lives our parallel selves may be experiencing in these other worlds?  Would you even recognize yourself or them?

These questions have interested the SciFi Community for years.  Movies and television have depicted these types of experiences to the awe of movie goers for decades.  But what if this type of experience is not just something found in your favorite SciFi novel?  What would you do?

In recent years as I have explored the phenomena of astral projection and soul travel I have found doors that I never truly believed existed or at the very least thought only existed in Hollywood Movies.  I have experienced things, realities or existence, that I never thought possible.  I never really was much of a science fiction buff growing up.  While my brother for example loved shows like Star Trek, I thought that stuff like that was just an impossible fantasy realized on a tiny black and white screen. Never in a million years could I have ever imagined that things I have seen and experienced in the last few years as I have traveled on this journey we call life.

One very vivid experience I found myself transported through a large glowing archway into a place of beauty and at the time what seemed to me an oddity of sorts.

I found myself in a large throne room with a large ornate domed roof that seemed to be filled with glittering stars.
Seated in a large throne on one side of the room I began to examine my surrounding.  On the opposite side of the room from where I found myself seated I counted, all lined up against an ornately decorated wall, sixteen thrones with strange looking occupants who appeared to be sleeping.  As I examined further with my glance I turned to my right and next to me I counted fifteen more ornately decorated thrones in which still other strange beings were seated also with the appearance of being at rest. 

As I examined the being seated at my right I suddenly felt as though I knew this being somehow, though in this reality I haven’t the foggiest idea who he was as his appearance along with the others was quite alien to me yet human features were also present.  

I them glanced toward the end of this great hall and saw one beautiful and much larger throne sitting empty.  “Who was its occupant”, I wondered.  Strange that all these other seats were filled yet this one remained empty.  I pondered for a moment where I must be yet to no avail though something seemed very familiar to me.  It was then that I glanced to my left and finally saw my face in a large mirror on wall next to me.  It was then that I noticed something very strange…I was one of these beings.

“How could this be?” I thought.  And yet part of my being recognized the face I was seeing in the mirror.  I was quite obviously female in appearance but with a very long slender face that looked like something from a Science Fiction movie.  I glanced down at my hands and they were not mine.  Long slender fingers with nails that looked nearly like claws and painted red.  Around my neck I saw a golden torc beautifully decorated.  My clothing consisted of a shining iridescent fabric that seemed to flow as if it was only made of energy.  It shimmered like the stars.  It was indescribably beautiful.

As I sat and pondered a while I thought of how foreign this whole scene was and yet how familiar it felt as if I had been there before.  My thoughts began to twist and turn until I remembered a story I had been told about a being named Thoth the Atlantean and his fabled “Halls of Amenti” in which reside the original bodies of the ancients seated in thrones sleeping while their souls traveled into the physical realm and flowed through human forms.

Suddenly at that exact moment I slammed back into my body and awoke.  Years prior I had printed off a copy of what has been referred to as “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth”.  My first instinct was to pull it out and read.  33 was the number written in the text.  Thrones in which were seated the 33 original Atlanteans who first appeared on earth.  I began to add the numbers I counted in this great hall, “16 + 16 + 1”.  “33”.

Did it prove that I had just visited the fabled Halls of Amenti that I had read about years before?  Did I wake up in another reality, in a body that had once belonged to me and was temporarily awakened to reveal something of my past lives?

Though I can’t say for certain I can’t help but think that this was the reason for what I had experienced that day in this “Great Hall”.  Still this is only one of many strange experiences I have had through astral projection and soul travel.  In part 3, I will tackle one the most recent and seemingly strange experiences I have had.  I will say this, to those who doubt the existence of parallel worlds, you may just want to rethink that belief.  I for one am truly convinced that other worlds do exist parallel to our own and that these worlds do occasionally act through our own whether we want them to or not.

Stay tuned for Part 3!

~ Valkyria Blackheart, The Celtic Witch 

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